Trap & Skeet

Trap & Skeet updates.

Trap & Skeet Information.
Updated May 5 2023
RANGE FACILITIES: One Trap Field, One Skeet Field,
One Pattern Board
Saturday: Skeet and Trap from 9am to 3pm
Sunday: Skeet and Trap from 9am to 1pm
Ranges closed on the last Sunday of each month
Ranges will close for the season approx. end of October.
FEES: (per round of 25 clay targets)
WSC Members with a trap & Skeet Associate Membership $8.00.
Trap & Skeet Associate membership $50.00 anually. (Available at Bar)
Non-members $10.00 and a $10.00 day Fee.
Teenagers $5.00. (Day fee not applicable)
Shooters Cards Available- Buy ten rounds and get one free bonus round.
Ear and eye protection mandatory. We have loaner pairs to use.
We do not sell shotgun shells. We do not rent firearms.
Trap shooting use #71/2 or #8 size shot only.
Skeet shooting use #9 size shot only.
-Range reservations available for special events such as stags, hunting clubs, etc.
Range Rules
Windsor Sportsmen’s Club
1. Safety glasses and hearing protection must be worn on the firing line and in the general vicinity of the ranges.
2. All shooters MUST be in possession of a valid Firearms Licence (PAL) or be accompanied by a person with a valid Firearms License (PAL).
3. Drugs or alcohol are not allowed in the vicinity of the ranges. The use of alcohol or recreational drugs prior to, or during shooting is strictly prohibited.
4. Skeet Range: Maximum 12 gauge shotgun. Only 2 ¾” shells, #9 shot is allowed. Two shells may be loaded on Station 1 through Station 7. Only one shell may be loaded on Station 8. Shells are not allowed in the chamber or magazine until it is your turn to shoot. All actions must remain open until you are in position on the shooting station.
5. Trap Range: Maximum 12 gauge shotgun. Only 2 ¾” shells, #7 ½ shot size or smaller is allowed. Only one shell is allowed to be loaded in the chamber or magazine when shooting singles. Shells are not allowed in the chamber or magazine until it is your turn to shoot. All actions must remain open until you are in position on the shooting station.
6. Safe muzzle direction and firearm control must be maintained at all times.
7. After a misfire or hang-fire, the action must remain closed for 60 seconds with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Open action, remove the shell and visually inspect the barrel for any obstruction. Do not dispose of any unfired shells (duds) in the garbage or on club property.
8. Firearms must be cased when walking to and from your vehicle. Firearms must remain cased or positioned in the gun rack until your squad is ready to approach the firing line. Shotguns positioned in the rack must have actions open whenever possible.
9. Obey and support all Range Safety Officer commands.
10. All firearms are to be carried to and from the firing line and between stations unloaded with the action open and the muzzle pointed straight up or down. Control your Firearm and muzzle.
11. At the end of the round, return your firearm to the gun rack then pick up your spent hulls. Do not pick up hulls during the round or when moving to the next station. Pick up hulls only at the end of the round after your firearm is in the gun rack. Do not walk onto the field to retrieve spent hulls while others are preparing to shoot.
12. Slings, shotshell holders and any other firearm accessories must be removed prior to attending the firing lines.